Archive for the ‘Stories’ Category
The Druid of Cambria
While all of the Llareggyb miners who settled in Cambria were (and still are) passionate about their Welsh ancestry, no-one was more passionate than Vic Harry.
The Jenkins House – Cambria, Central Otago
Mark Jenkins was probably the most cultured of the Llareggyb miners. Whenever there was a smoko break, he would produce, as if by magic, a book on Monet, Degas or Foucalt.
The Llareggyb Horses
On settling in Cambria, Central Otago, the Llareggyb miners quickly realised that they missed a key component of their mining operation – their horses.
Gathering for “Chapel”
The Miners grew up in Llareggyb with Chapel as an integral part of their lives, their families and their community. It was a place where many of them learnt to sing, developed their passion for singing and built up their repertoire.